Thursday’s Best Practice Food For Thought #9

Steve Jobs blog photo

Do you remember the show “Good Times” – the 1970’s television sitcom about the Evans family living in the Chicago projects?

Surprisingly, for someone who only occasionally watched during its initial television run, it’s left a lasting impression on me. When my life seems to sputter, it’s the Evans’ family that I think of, because they remind me of how much worse off others are.

And it’s through them that we can discus today’s best life practice.

No matter your life situation, there will always be something better and always be something worse.

Remember, every time you receive a paycheck, someone’s will be larger and someone’s will be smaller. Every time you go to the gym, someone will be in better shape and someone will be in worse shape than you. Every time you go home, someone will have a bigger residence and someone will have a smaller one.

It’s a fact and no matter what we accomplish in life, it will always be this way. So, stop trying to keep up with the Kardashians.

***Instead of aspiring to be someone else, do all you can to improve your life based on your standards.***

I guarantee that basing your goals on someone else’s life will result in two outcomes:

  • Frustration due to an unattainable growing list of objectives you’ll believe you must accomplish.
  • Disappointment due to a feeling of “Is this all there is?” when you do accomplish a set goal.

In a week where we’ve discussed taking time to remember all the good in your life, as well as making life changes based on facts, not just for the sake of change, I wanted to leave you with this reminder.

There’s no need to impress the people in your life, so stop trying. They’ve chosen to be in your life, because they’re already impressed by you.

Make today better than yesterday, but not as great as tomorrow!

Chris Errington is a husband, dad, writer, seeker of truth and fervent believer in the power of utilizing best practices to live a more balanced and enjoyable life. When I’m not coaching Little League baseball, rooting for the Steelers and West Virginia University or desperately attempting to grow grass in the front/back yards, I’m often planning ways to live my ultimate goal of writing remotely from the deck of a 32-foot sloop while sailing around the Caribbean. Getting my wife to agree is another matter entirely.

Follow me at:

Twitter: @Tribunewriter



2 thoughts on “Thursday’s Best Practice Food For Thought #9

  1. “There’s no need to impress the people in your life, so stop trying. They’ve chosen to be in your life, because they’re already impressed by you.” – This thought is inspiring and so true. another great post!


  2. Pingback: Food For Thought #15 – Forget The Joneses and Kardashians | Best Practice Life

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