Thursday’s Best Practice Food For Thought #10

Even a long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, Yoda knew to eliminate the word try from your vocabulary.

Even a long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, Yoda knew to eliminate the word try.

With the holiday season upon us, I want to give you with a gift that won’t cost me a dime, but that I promise will make an immediate and lasting impact on your success.

Eliminate the word “TRY” from your vocabulary.

It’s that simple.

No other word in the English language is as damaging and unnecessary to your success as the word “Try.”

  1. It is a built-in excuse for failure.
  2. It has no real meaning for those reading this blog.

*** When we use the word “try,” even before we start, we’re making failure acceptable. ***

We can always say we “tried” when we don’t accomplish our objectives. It’s like a salve for our wounds, easing the sting of failure via false satisfaction of knowing we at least attempted to succeed.

How weak-willed is that!

In reality, the word “try” is just another reminder that in the end, there are only two outcomes for every endeavor.

Success or Failure.

You might think this is a bit too black and white of a definition for life’s efforts, but I assure you it’s not. This blog is for those who are serious about using best practices to live life on their most successful terms – no matter what those terms are.

  • Did you achieve your goal? Yes or No.
  • Are you living the life you want? Yes or No.
  • Are you driving your live in the direction you want it to go? Yes or No.

In your mindset, there is no room for maybe. There is no room for almost. There is no room for “try.”

So get rid of it. Eliminate it from your vocabulary. Take away the one word that makes failure acceptable.

And in the process, take another step toward success.

Make today better than yesterday, but not as great as tomorrow!

Chris Errington is a husband, dad, writer, seeker of truth and fervent believer in the power of utilizing best practices to live a more balanced and enjoyable life. When I’m not coaching Little League baseball, rooting for the Steelers and West Virginia University or desperately attempting to grow grass in the front/back yards, I’m working my plan to live my ultimate goal – Writing remotely from the deck of a 32-foot sloop while sailing throughout the Caribbean. Getting my wife to agree is another matter entirely.

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